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[하이라이트 논문 1] 

Surface-Plasmon Assisted Transmission Through an Ultrasmall Nanohole of ~ 10 nm with a Bull's Eye Groove


Geon Woo Kim1, Jae-Hyeon Ko1, Doo Jae Park1, Seong Soo Choi2, Hyuntae Kim3, Soo Bong Choi3


1Department of Physics, Hallym University, Chuncheon 24252, Korea

2Research Center for Nanobio Science, Sun Moon University, Ahsan 31460, Korea

3Department of Physics, Incheon National University, Incheon 22012, Korea


We simulate the light transmission through an extremely small nanoscale aperture having a 10 nm diameter punctured in a metal film positioned at the center of a plasmonic bull’s eye grating. A considerable directive emission of transmitted light with a divergence angle of 5.7 degrees was observed at 10 μm from the nanohole opening at the frequency of surface plasmon polariton excitation, an confirmed by measuring the distance dependent transmission amplitude. It is found that near-field enhancement associated with the surface plasmon excitation, and the interference of the electric field light through the nanohole in the near-field region is responsible for such a considerable directive emission.



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